Nine of ten people dream about traveling around the world. Too many will never take the chance. Will you?
Friends made me #axelgoeswild. So, I became little more wild and crazy. And this is how my story went….
Tenerife, October 2016. What an awesome weekend trip!
Woohoo! Wait! Oh no, what happened? I’m not sure, what is going on, what do I want, what do I not want? Confusion. Rock music. …Breathe. Breathe again. Calm down. Searching… Finding myself slowly. …Well, breathe, let me structure it and put it this way: …Early 2016, things changed. I was defeated emotionally. At this point, I decided to do something new. Surprisingly clear. Yeah, again, something crazy but innovative should come my way. A journey was about to start. A journey around the world. My life and my character has changed since then. They are developing every day. In a positive direction, friends say. It was a period of exploration and discovery. In April 2016, reading one of the big business magazines, this quote passed my way – it thoroughly inspired me:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by